Ouyang, Yu, and Richard W. Waterman.
2020. Trump, Twitter, and the American Democracy: Political Communication in the Digital Age. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal Articles
Ouyang, Yu. XXXX. “Checking Executive Power: A Simulation Model of Unilateral Executive Behavior.” Congress & the Presidency XX (X): 1-36.
Stein, Robert, Christopher Mann, Charles Stewart III, Zachary Birenbaum, Anson Fung, Jeb Greenberg, Farhan Kawsar, Gayle Alberda, R. Michael Alvarez, Emily Beaulieu, Nathaniel A. Birkhead, Frederick Boehmke, Joshua Boston, Barry C. Burden, Francisco Cantu, Rachael Cobb, David Darmofal, Thomas C. Ellington, Terri Fine, Charles J. Finocchiaro, Michael Gilbert, Victor Haynes, Brian Janssen, David Kimball, Charles Kromkowski, Elena Llaudet, Ken Mayer, Matthew R. Miles, David Miller, Lindsay Nielson, Yu Ouyang, Costas Panagopoulos, Andrew Reeves, Min Hee Seo, Haley Simmons, Corwin Smidt, Rachel VanSickle-Ward, Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Abby Wood, Julie Wronski. XXXX. “Waiting to Vote in the 2016 Presidential Election: Evidence from a Multi-County Study.” Political Research Quarterly XX (X): X-X.
Ouyang, Yu, and Michael A. Morgan. 2019. “How Presidents Utilize Their Emergency Powers.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 49 (3): 718-732.
Ouyang, Yu, and Michael A. Morgan. 2019. “Declaration of National Emergencies, Economic Sanctions, and the Unilateral Presidency: The Importance of Workflow in Research Projects.” SAGE Research Methods Case.
Ouyang, Yu, and Chloe C. Carpentier. 2018. “The (Lack of) Gender Dynamics of Gubernatorial Executive Orders.” Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences 21 (1): 99-118.
Mann, Christopher B.+ , Gayle A. Alberda+, Nathaniel A. Birkhead+ , Yu Ouyang+ , Chloe Singer, Charles Stewart III, Michael Herron, Emily Beaulieu*, Frederick Boehmke*, Joshua Boston*, Francisco Cantu*, Rachael Cobb*, David Darmofal*, Thomas C. Ellington*, Charles J. Finocchiaro*, Michael Gilbert*, Victor Haynes*, Brian Janssen*, David Kimball*, Charles Kromkowski*, Elena Llaudet*, Matthew R. Miles*, David Miller*, Lindsay Nielson*, Costas Panagopoulos*, Andrew Reeves*, Min Hee Seo*, Haley Simmons*, Corwin Smidt*, Robert Stein*, Rachael VanSickle-Ward*, Abby Wood*, and Julie Wronski*. 2018. “Pedagogical Value of Polling Place Observation by Students.” PS: Political Science & Politics 51 (October): 831-837.
+ Denotes authors
* Denotes data contributors
+ Denotes authors
* Denotes data contributors
Warber, Adam L., Yu Ouyang, and Richard W. Waterman. 2018. "Landmark Executive Orders: Presidential Leadership Through Unilateral Action." Presidential Studies Quarterly 48 (March): 110-126.
Ouyang, Yu, Evan T. Haglund, and Richard W. Waterman. 2017. "The Missing Element: Examining the Loyalty-Competence Nexis in Presidential Appointments." Presidential Studies Quarterly 47 (March): 62-91.
Ouyang, Yu, and Richard W. Waterman. 2015. "How Legislative (In)Activity, Ideological Divergence, and Divided Government Impact Executive Unilateralism: A Test of Three Theories." Congress & the Presidency 42 (3): 317-341.
Olson, Jeremiah, Yu Ouyang, John Poe, Austin Trantham, and Richard W. Waterman. 2012. "The Teleprompter Presidency: Comparing Obama's Campaign and Governing Rhetoric." Social Science Quarterly 93 (December): 1402-1423.
Book Chapters
Stein, Robert, Christopher Mann, Charles Stewart III, Zachary Birenbaum, Anson Fung, Jeb Greenberg, Farhan Kawsar, Gayle Alberda, R. Michael Alvarez, Emily Beaulieu, Nathaniel A. Birkhead, Frederick Boehmke, Joshua Boston, Barry C. Burden, Francisco Cantu, Rachael Cobb, David Darmofal, Thomas C. Ellington, Terri Fine, Charles J. Finocchiaro, Michael Gilbert, Victor Haynes, Brian Janssen, David Kimball, Charles Kromkowski, Elena Llaudet, Ken Mayer, Matthew R. Miles, David Miller, Lindsay Nielson, Yu Ouyang, Costas Panagopoulos, Andrew Reeves, Min Hee Seo, Haley Simmons, Corwin Smidt, Rachel VanSickle-Ward, Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Abby Wood, Julie Wronski. XXXX. “Polling Place Practices.” In The Future of Election Administration, eds. Kathleen Hale and Bridgett A. Kings. New York: Palgrave. Forthcoming.
Peffley, Mark, Marc Hutchinson, Michal Shamir, and Yu Ouyang. XXXX. “Tolerance and Threat Revisited: The Dynamics of Political Tolerance Under Persistent Terrorism.” In At the Forefront of Political Psychology, eds. Eugene Borgida, Christopher Federico, and Joanne Miller. London: Routledge. Forthcoming.
Other Publications
Ouyang, Yu. 2018. "Why does a president demand loyalty from people who work for him?" The Conversation, 23 April. Invited Book Review of James Comey's A Higher Loyalty.
- Republished by,, San Francisco Chronicle/SFGate, Houston Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, San Antonio Express-News, Idaho Press-Tribune, etc.
Ouyang, Yu. 2018. "Review of Chiou and Rothenberg's The Engima of Presidential Power: Parties, Policies, and Strategic Uses of Unilateral Action. (New York City, Cambridge University Press, 2017.)" Political Science Quarterly 133 (4): 601-602.